Independent and Non-Profit Organisation:
Center for Peace and Democracy: Ian Collins
Jan Muś

Jan Muś works as senior analyst at the Institute of Central Europe in Lublin. His previous work experience includes cooperation with a number of research institutes and universities
across Europe, including University of Rijeka, University of Cologne, University of Helsinki, Southeast European University in Macedonia and St. Climent Ohridski Univeristy in Sofia.
Member of various professional Polish and international organisations and associations. His research interests include such questions as political developments in the Western Balkans, the EU enlargement policy, international relations and peripherisation. Jan authored several publications concerning mostly the Southeastern Europe and external expertise for public institutions in Poland. He has been an employee of the Department of Strategy and Analysis of the Office of the Committee for European Integration (UKIE). He has also worked as the Balkan-desk officer for the Center for Eastern Studies (OSW) at the Chancellery of Prime Minister in Poland.