Independent and Non-Profit Organisation:
Center for Peace and Democracy: Ian Collins
Chaim Kaufmann

Dr. Chain Kaufmann is Associate professor of International Relations College of Arts and Sciences, Department of International Relations, Lehigh University, USA. His main specialties include international relations theory, international security (issues of war and peace), nationalism and ethnic conflict, political psychology, social science research methods and epistemology. Publications: “Threat Inflation and the Failure of the Marketplace of Ideas: The Selling of the Iraq War”, In Trevor Thrall and Jane K. Cramer, eds., American Foreign Policy and the Politics of Fear (Routledge, 2009); “Why Iraq Partitioned Itself”, Columbia International Affairs Online, September; 2007; “An Assessment of the Partition of Cyprus”, International Studies Perspectives 8:2 (May 2007), 206-223; “What Have We Learned About Ethnic Conflict? What Can We Do In Iraq?” Harvard International Review 28:4 (Winter 2007), 44-50.