Independent and Non-Profit Organisation:
Center for Peace and Democracy: Ian Collins
Constantin Danopoulos

Professor Constantine Danopoulos' specialties are comparative politics and international relations. He is the author or editor of a number of books and numerous articles. Professor Danopoulos served as the editor of the Journal of Political and Military Sociology and as president/chair of the Research Committee on Armed Forces of Society of the International Political Science Association. He is the author of ‘Warriors and Politicians in Modern Greece’ (1984). He published also: The Military and its Role in Albania’s ‘Democratization’’ (with Konstantinos S. Skandalis), Armed Forces and Society (2011), ‘Migrant Labor and its Implications on a Small State: Contemporary Greece’ (with K. S. Skandalis and P. Liargovas), Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora (2008); ‘The Military as a Distinct Ethnic or Quasi-Ethnic Identity in Developing Countries’’ (with Daniel Zirker and Alan Simpson), Armed Forces and Society (2008).